Common Installation issues

Below are a list of common installation issues

1. Missing style sheet error when installing the theme

This message means that you are trying to install the wrong theme file. Please ensure you install file within the theme folder

2. Maximum execution time [...] exceeded

If you face this error you have to contact your hosting company to increase the maximum execution time limit.

3. 500 Internal Server Error

This error typically happens due to five main issues:

  • Server settings: Your web server might be incorrectly configured.

  • File permissions: Problems with file and folder access rights could be causing the error.

  • Corrupted files: Damaged or error-filled files in your WordPress installation can trigger this issue.

  • Insufficient memory: Your website might not have enough memory allocated to run properly.

  • Plugin conflicts: Incompatible or poorly coded plugins can interfere with your website's functionality.

Check out this wpbeginner resource on fixing 500 internal server errors

4. Import of Sample Demo Data Fails

Likely Causes For Demo Import Failing

  • Your PHP memory, file upload size, and execution limits are set too low

  • Your web host uses process watching software that prevents bulk processing on their web servers.

Recommended PHP Configuration Limits

The Recommended PHP configuration limits for WordPress and Elementor based sites are as follows:

  • max_execution_time: 600 seconds

  • memory_limit: 256MB

  • post_max_size: 48MB

  • upload_max_filesize: 32MB

  • max_input_time: 400 seconds

  • max_input_vars: 1000

The theme and plugins require PHP version 8 or higher.

Last updated